πŸ₯‡First positions in the Royal Championship? Share your screenshot and collect your badge!

Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • Allouna76
    Allouna76 Posts: 190

    @babijane @Nell16

    @Leanna_Allen @headoperations @NikolaosProdromidis @NamTruong2001

    yes it seems they removed the locker but they did not fix the problem of loosing all streaks and in addition the gold bar needed to keep it are insane!!!

    any way @channie8 told us that she will solve all problems very soon lets see!!

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day Everyone,

    I did compile the Top 5 and it is submitted, as I said I would do.

    Just a reminder though, that not all things are achievable and definitely not all at once. Things will take a long minute to get to The Studio and be assessed and be troubleshooted. As is the way with all processes. Computer programmes and Tech issues aren't always as easy to rework as it might seem, one change may effect another and it is only a game programme with limitations, not Nasa designing the safety of a human astronaut life.

    I hear you though and I do the absolute best I can within the circumstances and limitations that I also have, as we all do.

    So hopefully in the mean time, we can have a little fun around here, encourage one another's creativity and build the kind of positive Community that we want, including the RC but not limited to it. Just a thought. As it is our home and we can make it what ever we like :0) Hopefully everyone wants this as much as I do πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ’šπŸ€”πŸ₯°

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    Love my Jelly Crew and have faith in you, to help me help you :0)

    Sawabona Jellies Have a jellylisious day!

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,415
    edited March 2021

    In every match, we only respect opponents when they use the original power-ups in this picture. When they lose, we will give 7 medals. And if we lose, they will give the same medals like us.

    If any opponents use two other lollipops (and win), we will exit the app immediately without hesitation and accept all broken streaks, no matter what. Don't think they will give 7 medals easily. In your dream!

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited March 2021

    The same if we find cagers, as I did: I found the ultimate cager!!

    (Arena 5).


    PS: I play as "the farmer" !! 😁😁😁

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618


    Oh Dear! That is the ultimate cager!!!!

    That's just ridiculous!!!!! Looks like they behave like a petulant child!!!!!

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited March 2021

    @headoperations , if you notice, he has a big red mushroom on his hat (or it is his head)!

    Maybe he is the Mushroom- man!!

    Probably is a hero of some game!! πŸ™‚

  • alsto40
    alsto40 Posts: 455

    The only time I leave the game is if the opponent tries to block me knowing the all they have to do is make that last move to win. Bye Felicia... shouldn’t have been a di$&.

    The only time I leave if they have the other boosters is when the game magically activates their boosters at every turn while mine take forever to activate once. I have beaten plenty of people who play with them cause most don’t know to execute them properly.

  • Pablo_G
    Pablo_G Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Would be cool if you could challenge someone or if you lost request a rematch?

  • Nell16
    Nell16 Posts: 38

    Level 3

    Striped Hammer & Liquorice blocker (me) vs basic boosters. Me two levels higher. Just about to get next chest to take me to 4th badge

    I'm winning (yet to use my boosters) and they get a Colour Bomb next to a Colour Bomb!

    And of course, no lock now, so right back to the bottom!

    Bring back the lock!!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?