Hi! How can i fix "no internet connection " on my android? Thank you

Level 1
Is there a way to fix "no internet connection " in the royal jelly championship? I have a android. Thank you
G'day @Shellyw,
I'm not sure what you've tried already but let's start with the basics first and then we can go from there :0)
Clear game cache and the browser. Check they're updated. Turn your device off and on again and try blocking the pop ups :0)
Let me know how you go and hopefully this takes care of it :0)
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I have the same problem but none of these solutions worked for me. What else can I try?
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G'day @MarkSmittySmithers
Yes there have been a couple of issues regarding this recently but you can try all the basic steps first.
Clear game cache and browser, turn your device off and on again and see how you go. If not then give me a tag here and we'll check it out more :0)
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@Shellyw @MarkSmittySmithers Welcome to the King Community! We hope you have a great time around the forums! You can have a look here to get useful tips and info to help you go around the community!
As for the "No Internet" Issue, the issue has been reported already and the studio is working on it! Till then, please continue playing the Main Jelly Board and the Side Events like 'Wake Odus' and 'Save Misty'! The Issues with the Royal Championship will be fixed soon, the studio is trying to fix it!
Sorry For the Inconvenience and Have a Great Day!