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Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • Leanna_Allen
    Leanna_Allen Posts: 1,169


  • Pond46
    Pond46 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited June 2020


    So good

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,415


  • jjac272903
    jjac272903 Posts: 1,083
    edited June 2020

    @Leanna_Allen that is one good thing is that the RC was live the whole weekend and has been on more often. Thank you for that studio.

    I hope it stays that way ONLY IF the studio fixes the ticket times down do 30 minutes, we get new boards, fix the technical issues, fix the prizes because we all know that @Leanna_Allen was NOT asking to reduce the goldbars and prizes so studio please fix this. Also, I personally like the option of choosing my booster and blocker. If the studio keeps it to where only real people are playing we won't need that option of of choosing our blockers and boosters. I dont think that will ever happen. So please studio, give us back the option to choose our boosters and blockers.

    @NamTruong2001, @Leanna_Allen 😞 Sorry that was all you got for prizes as well as everyone else. I got 2nd and I dont understand why the studio reduced goldbars. Like I said before, that's clearly NOT what @Leanna_Allen wanted as an idea.

    Maybe it was by accident or a mistake on your part studio...but its taken ALONG TIME for the studio TO FIX ALL OF THE CHANGES AND ADDITIONS WE'VE ASKED FOR, VOTED FOR AND BEGGED FOR. The prizes and all the other issues and ideas we've created that we want changed or added. Studio, why is it taking so long?

    Edit to add: I'm only capitalizing my words to make it stick out and not to shout. I mean no disrespect to the studio. I just want it to show.

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,415
    edited June 2020

    @jjac272903 I think the studio still keeps the time that ticket is refilled is 1 hour because, in addition to playing in this event, they want you to continue your journey at main map to catch up with other players.

  • jjac272903
    jjac272903 Posts: 1,083
    edited June 2020

    I can understand that @NamTruong2001.

    I just want to speak up on behalf of our jelly family because I personally use unlimited but Im not going to anymore because its just the same boards, the same thing happening to everyone where they get to 5 or 6 win streak on mini starburst or starburst, only to get beat by someone with a board thats pure luck, for some reason opponents side is majority of the time, getting showered with special candies to me, just as ONE player, yet it's also happening to a lot of other players as well, which is questionable πŸ€” Also, when I do play unlimited I dont think its fair that people who don't pay to play unlimited have to wait so long to catch up to the players who are on unlimited play. I want it to be competitive. Not a complete 1500 score to someone not paying to play unlimited score being only 2 or 300 score. I understand what you're saying. I just want to speak for the peeps that don't pay to play that are frustrated by the ticket times being one hour.

    Much love to you @NamTruong2001 πŸ’œ

  • jjac272903
    jjac272903 Posts: 1,083
    edited June 2020

    As of right now, even if the RC was live, I'm not going to pay to play until I see changes. I will still play, but not as much.

    As I said before, it's boring. I get it that Im asking for a lot, it may seem to some, in one, two, three posts but if were being honest, weve been asking for these additions and changes for a long, long time....way before the "Ideas" section. I hope the studio can make our requests AND our ideas come to life and make it possible for a better experience for all players.

  • Leanna_Allen
    Leanna_Allen Posts: 1,169

    @jjac272903 that's why I put the ticket bank in the idea section to be voted on...It's only fair because tickets are actually a PRIZE and should be able to be used when we want like the boosters they are now prizing us with...I specifically said that the end prizes should be CHAMPIONSHIP worthy...and then they lower the gold bars πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Seriously, you can get 24 hour free play in most King games for winning a challenge...I didn't mean for them to take away gold bars and do unlimited for regular jelly 6 hours instead of two. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

    I did ask for prizes in treasure chest to be something we could use during RC...They did do that....😐 Sorry y'all.😭 Still not exactly what I was shooting for...πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

  • jmama77
    jmama77 Posts: 64

    Level 3

    Has anyone given the idea to have options to buy continuous play for time lengths other than 24 hours? I think it would be fabulous to be able to buy 2 hours or 6 hours. I mean, most of us sleep, so we don’t need unlimited for 24 hours.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?