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Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • alsto40
    alsto40 Posts: 455

    @Lola_Pop I notice I get the no internet connection when I am playing on my phone. When I play on my ipad I don’t seem to have any issues with it.

  • JMag
    JMag Posts: 132

    @Lola_Pop it comes and goes for me. It’s happened 2 or 3 times this RC.

  • Jakacaad
    Jakacaad Posts: 11

    Level 2

    @Lola_Pop I was able to finally reconnect after rebooting and it took about an hour to show up. Haven’t tried yet today though

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Hello again,

    So this is what the technical team says:

    • this event needs a very stable internet connection to work- if the connection is not extremely strong, the event can be lost for some time
    • it's important not to log out of the game
    • the device model and system version can also affect the event

    What we can do, is that you guys contact the Player Support team from the in-game form (wait and listen for a sec!), and when you receive the automatic response, let me know here. My colleagues from the technical team and I will then search for your email and investigate what's exactly happening in your case.

    We may find out more this way. I'm sorry I cannot give you a better solution for now!

  • Amkenny
    Amkenny Posts: 29

    Level 3

    The game has become the most frustrating thing that is meant for enjoyment. Can we please have some semblance of fairness rather than every single game being predetermined? I used to win frequently with strategic moves but now I never get more than one win in a row, and almost every game do not even get more than one or two turns before a miracle win for my opponent. The unbelievable drops that seem to always explode the opponent’s side without them even making a move has happened EVERY single game over the past 20 games that I am never paying another cent into this obviously rigged game. I wish I had videoed these games - it is almost laughable if it didn’t start to tick me off so much. Seriously, it’s getting ridiculous so please stop making it impossible for the real, non-bots to win. I know I am not the only one who this is happening to and am also not the only one who is done wasting money on it if it continues. If it is meant to entertain, please stop punishing the more experienced/frequent players by making it impossible to win.

  • Jakacaad
    Jakacaad Posts: 11

    Level 2

    @Amkenny same situation here. I’m winning a few here and there but no streaks higher than 2. I can guarantee on my streak games it is up against someone who is getting color bombs right off the bat and winning in 2-3 moves. I have basically given up and will not spend anymore money on unlimited play for this.

  • alsto40
    alsto40 Posts: 455

    Unfortunately it’s been this way for months now. We have complained numerous times to no avail. It always amazes me how rigged this game is. I can work my a$$ off catching up since they start with 35 points and the minute I get close enough to win.... here come the candy gods with a color bomb next to a stripe, wrapped or fish candy.

  • ClarenceBeaks
    ClarenceBeaks Posts: 58

    Level 3

    Well said. The studio is creating slot machines here, giving you the illusion that your skill can help you in this game when really it's most pre-determined. Short-term greediness. A real shame as this game had huge potential.

  • For the last few weeks I’ve been doing terribly on the RC. I’ve not managed to get past 2nd or 3rd level whereas previously I could easily reach peacock level and beyond without having to use unlimited. Definitely somethings not right. Seems like everyone is having the same problem. Even my opponents are on low levels, haven’t seen a high level for weeks now. It does make you wonder 🤔

  • I have also noticed that last few weeks I have not opponents on peacock level at all!

    Most of them are on low levels but sometimes they win me getting a colorbomb near a wrapped, striped or fish on last moves! It happened to me today 3-4 times!

    I try today pass baby starburst but cannot make more than 2-3 win streak! I suppose my opponents the same!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?