No worries. To add to the confusion, I posted earlier that I activated a second cage with just 3 more blue candies. In a later game it took more than that maybe 5 or 6 to activate the second cage. So maybe the number to activate varies depending on your luck mode setting - paging the conspiracy theorists...
No worries. To add to my confusion - I posted earlier that a second cage was activated after only 3 blues. In a later game a second cage took more than that - maybe 6 or so I can't be sure but it was definately more than 3. So it appears the number to activate may vary - maybe depending on which luck mode setting you have…
@headoperations a data point for you - I just activated a second cage with just 3 blue candies. I was pretty surprised it was as few as that and there was no tumble of candies so I'm almost certain it was just 3.
@headoperations thank you! You, from what I can tell, are the ideal person for this. More specifically I'm looking for the number of red or blue candies required to activate each booster - the first activation and then how many for subsequent activations. From what I can tell, the less powerful boosters/blockers are…
In the spirit of @headoperations , I'm doing an experiment of my own this RC. I have two devices and I generally don't buy extra tickets/ 24hrs unlimited. Across those devices I generally place 1-3rd, probably at a rate of 1st: 50%; 2nd: 30%; 3rd: 20% however over the last month or so this is tilting towards more seconds…
@headoperations interesting to read your experiment, I've been noticing certain correlations too from your opponent and then win / lose rate. My guess is your variables were: Crown ranking (the higher crown usually wins - to be expected); Who goes first/ second (first wins more often, particularly when against lower…
There's been many comments about the luck in this game. Having given it some thought I think the way to address this is to start with set boards - one that the studio knows (from data) play evenly. So no more of the colouring candy on the opening move, it just spoils the game. I prefer not to have the symmetrical boards…
I've also had a few occasions when the opponent's time appears to have expired but they then make (both) moves. I think what's happening here is there's a connection issue and the player has moved within time but that hasn't yet been relayed and the moves happen once the connection is reestablished.
haha yes! 🤣🤣 so many classic moments in it. Sometimes at the end of a RC streak I feel a bit like clarence at the end of the movie in the monkey suit . . .
@headoperations yes indeed, one of my favourite movies. Well spotted!