My feelings too. This level is the one to make me quit. Getting real tired of this pick on the leaders. 12700 is terrible
Well I will be playing less and less as it is no longer enjoyable. Seems greed ruins most good things
Well I'll be playing less and less as time goes by. Seems they have to ruin a good thing over greed.
I did what you said WYCOON and downloaded CC from Windows Store on my PC with Windows 10 and nothing is added to the game in that version. I will continue to update you on the results of said remedy.
I have never had the chance to get extra moves playing on the PC. I have played a long time and it should have been offered at least once in the many years I have played the game. My guess it is the algorithms that are in place for different individuals skill level. Nothing is ever offered on the PC. Only Mobile and as Iā¦
Elsa, I tried what you said and downloaded CC through Windows store on my Win 10 PC and no extra moves or anything different than playing on Facebook. My mobile offers extra moves and the Climbing Vine but nothing on PC
I am at level 3062 and have played a long time. Please no more emails about "let us know what level you are on" I am getting too many emails everyday š
I am at 3062- Long time player
I am on 3062