passed level 2000
I didn't get this even this time around. I've had it once before and thought those levels were fun.
Dear Mom, Thank you for continuing to put up with me. You really are my best friend even if I won't admit it, and I had fun going to the beach with you and treasure hunting at Ollie's. Enjoy the Zero Bars and TCBY. actipton80
Bubble Sundae: color: yellow base: a red and white jelly ring Vanilla ice cream 8 yellow candies two bubble bombs whipped cream and a chocolate color bomb on top. and another jelly ring on the side.
Hot Tamale sundae; 15 red candies (I counted the ones on this screen shot.) They look like Hot Tamale candies. a scoop of vanilla ice cream A red coloring candy.(not pictured, but yes I did get one on the playthrough of that level this shot was from. (Easy enough to get in level 1856 regardless of which character you use.)…
@Lola_Pop my ID is 11276514778.
@gr33n3y3z Izzy's favorite word is budgie. He also says "you're so cute" and Hi, Izzy bird!" He also imitates all the squeaky cabinet doors in the kitchen, imitates the dog's little whine she does when she wants out of her crate, imitates the cat's whine she does when she wants out the back door, and does such a perfect…
I don't have any really good pics of my dog, but I do have a nice portrait of my budgie, Izzy, He's a sweet little bird, and he talks too. If Izzy was in the game he would collect cyan candies for his power because they match his color the closest. I'm not sure what his power would be, but since budgies like to pull on…
@Lola_Pop I'm playing on a PC and I don't run any other applications when I play CCFS, so I don't think memory is a problem. The crashes usually only happen when there are two events or more going on at the same time, and usually with new events that haven't happened before. The star race really messed up my game, but my…
I tend not to like these race events because I beat new levels too slowly to rank very highly in them. I also have noticed that my game crashes more often when there is a race event going on. The crashes happen when I scroll back to easy levels for daily quests.