dm1 Level 2


  • @Nix66 @Pitty_Kitty I too reinstalled all 4 games and they are now working. I did contact player support and the only they thing they could come up with was to reinstall. I did offer my opinion and suggested they look at a way where we don't lose our hard earned bonuses. When you are on a hard level after reinstalling, it…
  • @Nix66 Thanks for your help. I am getting the exact error message as eddiegarr. This is on all games so how can they all be corrupt. Oh well I will send my user id to the support group and perhaps there is another issue. I can't see how all games are corrupt as I cannot log on to any of the 4 I play and the store is…
  • @Nix66 Hello again. I cannot send you a screenshot as I cannot log in.. The message I am getting on the login screen is "there was a connection error. Try again later." As I said, I took my tablet to a computer tech and there is nothing wrong with itl I believe somewhere in the discussions there is a screenshot of the same…
  • @Nix66 have you passed my information on to someone who can help? Also the announcement is very confusing. Are we not going to be able to purchase gold bars, are we losing all our friends, boosters and gold bars we have on hand? Thanks again for your help. Debbie
  • Hi again Nix66 Is it possible to go into my user id (3929423274) and see if there are issues with the id and games. Honestly, I have tried everything. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  • Also getting confused as to what platform is it facebook or king platform. This is the message I got when I logged into we would like to inform you that from 31 March 2022 we will be removing Candy Crush Soda Saga from and the game will no longer be playable. We will also be disabling…
  • I cannot even take a screeshot as I can't get connected. As I said it is not my device. I am envious that you can play daily but it appears that there are a number of us that can't. eddiegarr has just posted the same problem. My device is on internet even though the message says I'm not and I cannot be connected. Very…
  • Hello Nix66: I have followed all your instructions to no avail. I finally took my table to a computer tech and he has checked everything out. It seems the issue is at your end. There are problems with other players going back to January. He is saying there are issues with these apps at your end. Please advise what these…
  • Hello again, I now cannot connect to King when I try to log in on the games. I am not getting a connection. Is it my device or something at your end. Thanks again
  • Hello Nix 66 Thank you for your quick response. I have been playing on the king account since day 1. When I try to log into my account it is saying there is a connection error. Should I try creating another account per your instructions. This problem has just come up within the last week. I also misread the…
  • Hello it is January 20th and I still cannot connect to the store. Has this been resolved yet
  • Again I agree...I am also spending a lot of $$ but that is coming to an end! It's too bad there is no communication or support anymore. And no...the game has still not been fixed. I do not play it much anymore..once my lives run out I'm done for the day!
  • Funny I have lost my daily streak also, it has been well over a month now. It no longer gives a daily prize. My streak was about 750 days and all of a sudden I am back to 3. I got the same answer as you...freebie boosters cannot be replaced. Doesn't help the fact the problem is not getting fixed back the…
  • Mine still has not be resolved either. Still can't get an answer as to what happens with the gold bars that were in the piggy bank before we became test subjects!!! Not sure how to describe this but the entire candy crush games that I am playing has changed...harder to get through levels, losing friends and always having…
  • Me too since October and cannot get a reply, just the same computer generated response!!
  • Totally agree with both of you. Not sure why this has all changed...too bad as the game was good to kill some time when we were in lockdown because of COVID!
  • Hello again Nix66. I have written about this before and still have a question. I no longer have the piggy even showing and it did have gold bars before it disappeared, What happens to those gold bars and how do I reload? Do I have to buy through the store, Thank you so much. I realize you are a volunteer but hope you can…
  • Thank you, I am having problems navigating the king sites and am really just venting! I just want to contact a person at King and do not have much luck in doing so. All I get is a computer generated reply to any questions or problems I have lol.
  • it appears you did no read the post. I am saying I spend a lot of money buying gold bars when you should be able to get a few freebies. Again, I have been logging in over 700 days and am saying perhaps gold bar bonuses would be a treat. As of now there is something wrong with my bonus rewards as I am not getting any on my…
  • I have lost my Mr Toffee fair also and am also using up boosters. This game is starting to get annoying in that there are too many problems and too many hard levels ,,,using up gold bars and having to constantly purchase them. Again, once the covid issues settle down I probably will stop playing...right now have way to…

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