ladyLeLe Level 2


  • Why can’t I play RC?? It’s telling me I have no connection but my internet is very strong... 🤬
  • @Ace94 @NikolaosProdromidis omg story of my life!! Yet we sit on the other side only given one or two chances to actually match something but even then, it’s matched away from the jelly so then none of yours even get spread! 🤦‍♀️😡 it really takes the fun out of it when that happens. And to top it off, they get all these…
  • @headoperations yea I’m not sure why either. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Sometimes I’ll have another comp straight away but recently I’ve had such long waits in between. Last week with the 4 day wait was by far the worst to date 😫 and boy was it a loooooong wait 😳😂
  • @alsto40 yea I absolutely agree. I have even noticed that when my opponent takes there turn and is matching so many more candies in there one turn, their time actually stops until there’s no more to catch. But when I match candies and a few more will match in that turn, my time doesn’t stop like theirs did, it keeps going.…
  • @headoperations there’s a championship on candy crush soda also? Like the jelly RC?
  • • I’m thinking maybe when you win the round and still have moves left, they should be added to the point score afterwards to make the win that little more rewarding. And it would be SO MUCH BETTER if the RC’s were EVERYDAY!! I love love love the RC’s and just can’t get enough of it, so it’s quite disappointing when I have…
  • Royal Championship FOR SURE!! Love love love it! Can’t get enough of it. Always disappointed when it ends and I have to wait for the next championship

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