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🏁🚙 King Community’s Road to Legend! Level up & earn rewards!
⭐️ Welcome to the King Community, a meeting point for all players of King games! 🙌 🥳
Are you ready to embark on your journey to become a Legend in the King Community? Please continue to read to get all the details and learn more about the perks that come with it
Road to Legend is where you can showcase your player title to others, and earn some sweet rewards! The more you participate, the higher you level up, and the more rewards you unlock!
Here, everyone starts as a Newbie, but as you participate in discussions, contests, and more, you will start to upgrade your player title from Level 1-3. After that, you will enter Road to Legend, unlocking even more exclusive rewards for each title.
Learn all about the details and how to progress in this thread, or for faster access, click on the links below!