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🎴 Which pharaonic anecdote is true?

Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046
edited March 2021 in Support

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Welcome to a new post in our Pyramid Solitaire Saga Month, Adventurers!

This time, we have a little game for you: can you spot which one of these three anecdotes is true?

One of the Kingsters who created Pyramid Solitaire Saga told us an anecdote about the game. Can you figure out which one? Play detective and find the right answer - just for fun! 

Anecdote 1: 

Originally, Kingsley was intended to be a mouse. But for some players he looked more like a gerbil, and a passionate discussion started, even inside of the development team! He is officially a mouse, but in the Game Team he is simply a "rodent".

Anecdote 2: 

The game was first called “Pyramid Crush Saga”; however, we decided that Pyramid Solitaire Saga sounded much better and changed the name at the end. We have even some t-shirts which show the first name and logo!

Anecdote 3:

We got the idea about the game on a company picnic. Someone brought a card deck and we started playing and chatting about how cool it would be to have card game which combined skills and cool adventurous graphics- the rest is history!

Which one do you think is true? Vote below and tell us why you think so! 👇

🎴 Which pharaonic anecdote is true? 23 votes

Kingsley could be both a mouse or gerbil
Diamond_Lim[Deleted User]bearwithmeteresawallace44hechicerillarajdeeptbdawnn2 7 votes
The game was first called Pyramid Crush Saga
kiara_waelNat09RobinCorteSBHNix66Iffu2giilisen1978MartaZaghaiwa 8 votes
The game idea came up on a a company picnic
SpinnifixcandycrushinitCagnesPitty_Kittyme6412littlemissmim08steveniella06BamaK9 8 votes


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?