❓ Community Account FAQs

Having trouble with your Community account?
Need to update your details or solve an issue? Here’s a quick guide to the most common questions about managing your account:
🔒 Close or Delete Your Community Account
If you’d like to delete your account, we’re sorry to see you go! Please head over HERE and leave a comment, and team will handle your request.
🔕 Turn Off Notifications
Are notifications piling up? You can easily manage or turn them off completely! Check out our guide HERE to customize your notification settings.
🔑 Reset Your Password
Forgot your password? Don’t worry!
1️⃣ Click ‘Forgot?’ next to the password field on the login page.
2️⃣ You’ll receive an email with a link to reset your password.
🚨 'Forgot Password' Link Doesn’t Work?
f the reset link doesn’t work or you can’t access your account for another reason, contact Player Support HERE. Include the following in your message for faster assistance:
- Your Community username
- The email address associated with your account
The team will respond within 72 hours to help you regain access.
✏️ Change Username or Email Address
Want to update your Community nickname or email? Please tag a Game Moderator or a Community Manager in a thread for help.
🖼 Change to a Personal Avatar
Customize your profile with an avatar of your choice:
- Standard Options: Choose from King game characters in your profile settings.
- Personal Avatars: Once you’ve reached the Royalty title, you'll get the option to select your own Community Avatar!
To select your own avatar:
1️⃣ Reach out to a Game Moderator with the picture you’d like to use.
2️⃣ They’ll forward it to a Community Manager for approval.
Note: Don’t use copyrighted images as non-King materials may be removed.