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Official Announcement regarding Shuffle Cats, Scrubby Dubby Saga and Pepper Panic Saga’s Development



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    edited October 2020

    Thanks for this information @Xarly. You forgot to add the link with this sentence: "You can find a full list of them here". Also in #5 you forgot to add the same link and in the last sentence too.

    Have you gotten any word yet on what will be happening to when Flash is gone at the end of December?

  • Is so sad to see these games go well goodbye you well be remember 😭

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,019

    I wish everyone happiness and not to be sad and to enjoy the other games🌹

  • gr33n3y3z
    gr33n3y3z Posts: 9,493

    Wow so sorry to hear this news, although I don't play these games I know the players that do are very upset with this decision to shut these games down. Good luck gamers I hope you can find another game(s) to pass your time and to keep you happy. ♥️

  • Melissa_Racine
    Melissa_Racine Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited October 2020

    PLEASE HELP!!!! 👋👋👋

    I have 478 Gold Bars in Shuffle Cats, but only 8,890 in Gems. When they canceled Walter's Workshop with NO warning; btw: VERY CLASSY MOVE, KING, I had to approach the game differently.

    I let my gem count drop & started playing lower rooms; rationing my Gold Bars for ONE reason ... I LOVE the game & wanted to play more. 

    When I got the "notice of termination" this morning; with NO End Date, my 1st thought was to convert ALL Gold Bars into gems & enjoy the time left (not knowing how much time I had). However; every time I try to convert the Gold to Gems, it errors to "Problem Contacting Store".  

    Now, this "error" is very confusing, frustrating & MORE than a little sleazy, underhanded, repulsive & infuriating to me ... why? 

    BECAUSE I'M NOT TRYING TO BUY ANYTHING! I already OWN the Gold Bars ... Converting them to Gems doesn't even INVOLVE the Store. 

    Knowing now that I have a good MONTH before it closes ... I shouldn't even have to ASK/REQUEST THIS!

  • Wow, was not expecting this. I’m sorry for all players that play Shuffle Cats, Pepper Panic, and Scrubby Dubby, especially our dear SC expert @DeepshikhaSharan. He really loves playing Shuffle Cats since the beginning. May those games rest in peace with Bubble Witch Saga 😢✝️💔💐

  • dominion71
    dominion71 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    First it was Pyramid Solataire that they were no longer adding levels to and now Shuffle Cats will no longer be available . I'm so angry as its one of my favorite games to play. Apparently the only games that are important to them are the Candy Crushes. I'm seriously considering not playing anymore games of King's at all. They obviously don't care what games their players enjoy.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello Everyone! @Lola_Pop & @QueenMia & @QueenB & @Crazy Cat Lad & @Pounawea & @Xarly & @LadyRaffie

    When the new games come, as I know that they are being worked on, is it possible to present them here? That you already get an insight and what to expect. So we need a new play area with discussions - and support area. Maybe a new area of ​​ideas. Maybe it's already being planned. I don't know and are just my thoughts. Would be nice to get an answer !!!

    Thank you🤗

  • I don’t play these games but yes it is sad for the players of these games when they find out they can no longer play them anymore. I hope these players can find another game that they can have fun playing them😊👍🏼🌸

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