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  • Greymane
    Greymane Posts: 3,961

    Where i stay the restrictions are very loose.. But we try our best to keep safe and follow the guidelines(wash hands.. Wear masks.. Social distancing).. So hopefully the characters too..

    That time will be hard for me tho.. Coz halloween is my birthday and with my large family and friends.. Well we will see

  • Hi @KimElston

    Im decorating my house so people who drive or walk by can see it. I’m putting a bowl of candy out by my door and if there are any trick or treaters then they can just grab from the bowl. As always wear a mask and wash hands and use sanitizer. 👍

    Happy Halloween! 👻🎃👻

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,503

    Keep it a family affair and only trick-or-treat with relatives.

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,672

    Going back and forth on this subject here at home. The kids have been thru so much and it is so sad to take away Halloween. I have no kids at home, but do have Grandkids so I am still thinking on this, but if I do it, I will have a sign at the street side saying one family at a time. I will be wearing a mask, face shield and gloves and will hand out candy one at a time.

    I want to show you all something that my friend is doing down the street! Genius idea. Have a candy chute!

  • Hi @KimElston, my BD is on the 26th so our yearly tradition is to gather the family, children & their spouses, grandchildren, my brother & his 2 daughters & 3 grandsons plus anyone else who would like to participate for a pumpkin carving contest. We choose a theme, Disney, Superheroes, Marvel vs DC etc & we carve. The pumpkins are placed out in my front entrance & trick or treaters are the judges! Sadly this year, due to Covid we are not able to do this so each family are going to carve at their homes, post pics on Social media & let our friends decide. Doing our best to stay healthy this year & praying that we can resume our tradition next year! Happy Halloween to all the ghouls & gobbling! Please stay safe & healthy! 👻👽☠👿

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,445

    I am keeping the door locked this year. We always go to town, mr slayer does the windows, little slayer dresses up and we go door to door but every year people are becoming more boring and won't answer. Healthwise I don't think its safe, so for the few that are still planning on it, we are not risking it.

    We are going to have a halloween tea, I am making spooky foods and she will dress up as will my grandson for his first halloween..and I am gathering her bits for her own loot bag. We will try and find something to watch.

    Restrictions are in place which means we can only gather in 6s....there are 7 of us here already, but also where my son and his wife and children live, they are moving into tier 2 which means no mixing so they cannot come. We will make the best of it and we will still have fun even if it wasn't what we planned.

    Pic from a couple of years ago. We cannot do it this year or children will knock 😢

  • lemcbl
    lemcbl Posts: 1,124
    edited October 2020

    We should all follow the rules. Trick or treat may be fun but candies will never disappear, so kids can eat double next year. Stay with you family, your bubble, use mask, wash your hands and play King games. Be safe!

  • We are going trick or treating but wearing masks an most places Are leaving candy outside

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?