Meet the Kingsters - Meet SenseiK and WillyFog from the Diamond Diaries Studio
Gday @SenseiK,
Ooh dear... "Houston... We have a problem" lol No pineapple!! Come along now... I even have it on my pepperoni 🍕!
I admire your ability to code. Numbers...they scare me more than a little! My cousin is 6yrs old and an autistic savont and boy should you hear him talk about gaming! Truly awesome to see in action!!! So much understanding of behind the scenes data. He's learning Japanese so he can work for Nintendo lol 😂😂 we appreciate the genius that is your minds and the imagination in your hearts 💓
I'll be patient in waiting for the features you write even though Diamond Diaries isn't one of my regulars.
Keep up the good work,its appreciated nicely!!!
Have a great day
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Gday @WillyFog,
Yes.. "Houston... We have lift off" lol Now someone who has great taste in 🍕!! Throw some over... I'm hungry just thinking about it lol
Tetris!.. Gotta love it! My first original addiction to gaming lol Ahh the memories lol How far we've come... But still a family favorite!!!.
You're certainly doing a great job at making things understandable and looking and feeling good!! Hooley Dooley do I love sketching but doing it for a living on a gaming platform.... You're one lucky fellow!!
Has anyone ever considered moving you over to Candy Crush Soda lol 😇😉😮
You are obviously great at what you do, multi tasking could be a great thing lol The design work is fantastic,wouldnt change a thing!!!
Keep on keeping on,youre doing a great job!
Have a marvelous day
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G'Day @titafrita
Just giving you a few options you may have missed.
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Wow amazing
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This is very good. Game
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Which King's game have you playing? 😊
If you have playing Diamond Diaries Saga, what's your level are you currently on? 😊
💍Join the Diamond Diaries Level 2000 Celebration HERE
You can also check to learn guides around King Community, Join Contests to chance to win gold bars and more on my below signature here. 👇
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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Its a osam game....
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I love the candy crush saga
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