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Feel free to ask questions!



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited November 2021

    Hello dear @rfjh5 🤗 How are you doing?

    If you have any questions, you can ask me directly in the PM like you always do. Or you can post your question in our Farm Area! so that, we can discuss in detail about what's going on in your game 👍️

    This area is mostly general and about the Community but not the individual games! So, I am afraid not much of help pertaining to Farm game issues.

    See you in our Farm dear 🐥 🐥

  • manjula_trivedi
    manjula_trivedi Posts: 48

    Level 3

    How to clear every level in just 20 moves in each episode without boosters.Can any member in the creative team pass it before us???

  • DaniTheOG
    DaniTheOG Posts: 2,324

    👋 Hi there @Warriorcatslover!

    I have a question. ... once you get to know me, you'll know I'm always filled with questions. 😋

    • Have you met some awesome Community members? If you haven't, then you should so let me give you the royal treatment & introduce you to some.

    We use Spoiler for tags these days cause we don't want to read 120 names all at once. 🌪🌪🌪

    Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim! 😜

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073

    Ok if jane had 3 apples and tommy had 5 is that fair?

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073

    1. Do you think the big toe feels self-conscious about being the “BIG” toe? 

    2. Why do we use leaf-blowers instead of leaf-suckers? 

    3. Why didn’t the 3 Little Piggies build a house underground?

    4. Captain America has a shield, but where’s his sword?

    5. When you eat a gummy bear, do you eat the head or the feet first?

    6. If he had been bitten by a radioactive man, would Spiderman’s name have been Manman?

    7. Do zombies eat brains because they’re hungry for knowledge?

    8. Why is the chicken even crossing the road? Where are its owners?

    9. Do window cleaners get tired of seeing their own reflections all day?

    10. How come solar panels don’t overheat?

    11. If you can cook an egg on really hot concrete, why don’t we make an omelet?

    12. If you could teleport to any bathroom in the world, which one would you choose?

    13. If they’re called chicken wings, where did all the feathers go?

    14. Do car tires get tired?

    15. When tree leaves change color, do they say “new look, who dis?”

    16. Do elves have to use double the q-tips to clean their ears?

    17. Why do they call them pig-tails if pigs only have 1 tail?

    18. What sound does a flute make if you sneeze into it?

    19. If a balloon pops in a vacuum, can you hear it?

    20. If 100 people poked your belly at the same time, would you burst?

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781

    Hi @Warriorcatslover welcome to the community! I see you play many games. What level are you on in ccs? There are many milestone badges to earn. If you need help located these badges just let me know

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781

    @Boybinary and @headoperations why doesn't king games provide us with a ROTFLMAO reaction? Cause HAHA just doesn't cut it when it comes to your comments.

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,635

    @Warriorcatslover It's very nice of you to open a Thread for new members like yourself who need advice and information on how to navigate the Community and receive tips on how to pass levels in your Games....but first what Game are you having trouble with and the level ❓

    Next are you updated on all your devices ❓

    Next do you have a King Games Account ❓

    Next have you played King Games in the past and if yes when was the last time and was you connected with one or more accounts...via King Games or Facebook ❓

    So what do you need help with as their are so many CM'S and GM'S here in the Community along with seasoned members who play King Games that know all the latest levels and also help you with winning gold bar's and playing contest.....❓ hope this helps you out my Community friend and member.....its been a flare helping you out my crystal of a friend 😉

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    Hi @Warriorcatslover

    As you're a relative newbie here and I haven't seen you around the Community, I should be interested to know:

    1). What level are you in in each of the games you play?

    2). What are your favourite types of levels in each game?

    3) What types of levels don't you like?

    Thank you

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited November 2021

    Since the title of the topic is what it is, der Spieler will feel free to ask questions; & it seems as if someone flew under the radar for 2 months (so far), bloody good on their part.

    And now, about those ?s; directed to the OP (who's been tagged plenty of times in here already, so another one probably isn't necessary):

    Which of these banned member avatars do you prefer?

    You should be pretty familiar with both of 'em by now, but here's the original one:

    Then you have the current flavour:

    Feel free to reply (if you've got the cojones), anytime...

This discussion has been closed.

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