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@EOTheGr8 Thank you for commenting!..Haha!π€£ Let's hope you don't get up to too much mischief,,π
@Kiki_g Thank you for commenting!π definitely has a cool vibe ring to it!π
@istuff Thank you for commenting! Oh my..π I will go with the other definition of walloping. Considering there is one half of you and shouldn't be used for hitting..ππ a fellow December birthday buddy!π
@gamepower Thank you for commenting!π You have a very special power there.π..if class gets boring you can time travel anywhere you want...
@Peanut7139 Thank you for commenting!π oops forgot...π€« hope you don't get boredπ
@Nico_G Thank you for commenting!π Haha..dazzle away whilst busting some moves!π Go you!
@DanielProGamer Thank you for commenting!π A robot that giggles a lot..π or doesn't stop...π
Hi @Bellamy32 my pirate name is Esteemed Keeper of the Donuts.
@bearwithme Thank you for commenting!π Arr matey who is stripedπ another keeper of donuts.π© let's hope your stripiness keeps you somewhat hidden..or not..π
Dazzling eyebrow wiggler. Hahahaha
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