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How does playing King Games make you feel?

CommunityTeam Posts: 2,028 System
edited December 2022 in Discussions

Dear Community,

We want to understand what you feel before, during, and after playing our games - and for that we need your feedback!!

That is why we ask you to fill out this survey HERE. ✅

It only takes 5 minutes! On top of that, by the end of this month, we will give 20 Gold Bars to three of you for submitting an answer and leaving a comment in this thread. 🎉

If you feel like you want to dive deeper into this topic, leave a comment, and we will be more than happy to read it!



  • Sometimes a feeling of relief and otger times of tension and others of anger, and it depends on the extent of achievement and progress in the game for sure 😆

  • Sharafsasha
    Sharafsasha Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I love Candy crash,so much even though most of my friends discouraged me from installing it from the start! I actually have so much fun playing it,it helps me find better ways to plan and solve a problem,makes relax but I have one issue; I'm just suggesting that if I feel good about playing with a certain friend in the game,I can find ways of messaging them and talking to them watch Cute programer for more information; my soulmate might be among my friends and candy crash restricts us from sending messages to each other,trust me the game will improve if you change that

    Anyways I hope I find you oyuncu🫂💝

  • Well I can't give you all my thoughts and feelings because i can't type very well. I have parkinson's and the game keeps me sharp and makes me happy.

  • Babygirl34
    Babygirl34 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Love all my King saga games very fun and challenging

  • Dotsie
    Dotsie Posts: 14

    Level 2

    I enjoy playing Pet Rescue. It was actually one of the first games I decided to try from King. LOVE the Petopia events. However, as this one comes to an end I am experiencing glitches in my game. Slow returning to game after winning a game, slow start up and when I try to move my buildings I get kicked out. Will you be developing a Petopia game as I really enjoy playing that part of the game. Pet Rescue is relaxing and there are many ways to earn prizes unlike other games by King. I look forward to new challenges. Keep up the good work Pet Rescue Squad!!!☺️

  • I feel very frustrated playing candy crush saga. I don't understand how it is so unfair that people get spoon fed boosters and unlimited lives every day and it is always the same people. Today I get put on a race team that most of the people are already to the end of the episode. One friend who gets all the boosters and unlimited lives passes a level that took me multiple times and most of my boosters to get thru. Most of the games now take live you start out with plus 70 to 105 extra lives to get thru. It has come time to leave your game. It is just too frustrating and is no longer fun for me.

  • Dotsie
    Dotsie Posts: 14

    Level 2

    I understand what you are saying about the game. I stopped playing for awhile and have recently returned. Sometimes it is very discouraging to win the top prize when you have won say 15 or so games and are number 1 and someone come in playing and have won let’s say 50 games each week. Often I will not play for a week and just claim my daily bonuses to help me get thru a level.

  • DarrelKhant
    DarrelKhant Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Just I like this game and so sweet and give me have fun

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740

    As mentions in the survey, playing King games make me happy and relaxed.

This discussion has been closed.

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