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  • RNKmac
    RNKmac Posts: 166

    Thank you. After that loss I realized how many poor parents have lost the little ones. So sad. My daughter though God bless her. Her and my son-in-law really have showed us how to be. Their faith really has helped them with this tragedy. She was so healthy too, but now we have an angel. Again thanks for your kindness. This world can be so awful sometimes so it is nice to see people here in this community be nice.

  • LadyGaivman
    LadyGaivman Posts: 1,771

    Here’s mine

  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,734

    Greetings Princess_Jessica & Elsa

  • That was so beautiful and I thought of my dad who passed away in 2009 I miss him every day of my life and it just does not seem to get any easier 💔

  • @RNKmac I truly know how you feel I to lost a baby it was back in 1993 it was my first child he was so precious the day I lost him I thought my world had ended I done all the blaming I blamed God I questioned why he would do this to me but I was wrong for that I later realized that and I got my faith straightened out and that has brought me through a lot without my faith and family most of all God I couldn't have survived losing my child and my father 2 of the most important men in my life I lost but I thank God for allowing me to become the mother to another awesome son 2 daughters and 1 granddaughter they are my world I'm so so sorry for your loss and you are correct their is so much evil in the world right now it is so good to meet some of the kindest people and here in the community I think you will live it because we have some of the most kind people who are so helpful and caring so I'm so happy to see you here ❤ and if you ever need help or need anything please feel free to tag me 😊

  • bmkersey08
    bmkersey08 Posts: 5,739

    Happy Valentines to all!

  • RNKmac
    RNKmac Posts: 166

    Thank you. So sorry for your loss and yes my daughter had 2 children before our "peanut" as we called her, and 2 years after she died, they had another one a boy. I have six beautiful grandchildren and boy never thought I could love my children,but those grandbabies our truly the cherry on top! God bless.

  • Kiki_g
    Kiki_g Posts: 3,913

    Happy Valentines Day everyone!

  • greddycandy
    greddycandy Posts: 12,429

    Happy Valentine's Day to everyone in the community! ❤️

  • Cool

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