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Zatransis- Studio Art Director: "We do our best to deliver something you'll love"



  • @MikeHenry Hi Zatransis! 
    Thanks so much for introducing yourself and letting us get to know you. Do you have a favorite character in Street Fighter? I haven't played some of the newer generations but I have a soft spot for Chun-Li. I had to be the girl character when I was younger because I was playing with boys who had some weird all turned out well for me though...her giggle at the end is permenantly etched into my brain. 

    Can't wait to see what comes next! 

    By the way, those cinnamon candies are "Brach's Cinnamon Discs." My dad loved them and would give them to us out of his pockets when we were good. You are right that sometimes they were so spicy. I liked those. I found them in a candy shop recently and they were all very sweet. A little disappointed.  :)

    Thanks for tagging me @Lola_Pop and thank you again for the interview!  =)  <3
  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713
    Wow what an introduction and teaser about a new game 😉🤣. Can’t wait to learn more. Welcome to our area @MikeHenry 💪🏻
  • paul5473
    paul5473 Posts: 469
    Nice to meet you @MikeHenry! Awesome interview and great post @Lola_Pop thanks for the tag!
  • Oh... My... Goodness!!! O.oO.oO.o

    A new game can it really be true?! :hurrah::chuffed::mrgreen:

    Oh and hi there Zantrasis aka @MikeHenry I didn't see you there 😋

    Lol jk all kidding aside I'm always fascinated by professional artists as I've never really had any artistic talents myself :o

    I also loved both the streetfighter games (was never that great at "button mashers" ) as well as Final Fantasy 7, but I'm not sure those games are very similar 🤔

    In addition I must say having a dream since very young and pursuing it to the fullest is quite an accomplishment! :3
  • Miki_143
    Miki_143 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I love playing candy crush saga. Full entertainment

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,306

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Thank you for your love playing Candy Crush Saga! 😊

    Here is a link to help you learn your way around the community. Here is a guide to help you locate the different areas in the community! Here you'll find the game communities, you can get answers to the most frequent issues here, and here you can participate in competitions and win Gold Bars and more! 👈️

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'day Zatransis @MikeHenry,

    What an unusual choice of name? This is probably the only thing we have common ground on besides gaming lol as mine is unusual too. Nobody can ever spell or pronounce it right so I guess I answer to a lot of different names... Makes it funny enough... Translated it means peace and love... Which sometimes suits me and... Sometimes... Not so much 😂😂😂😂😇😈

    I don't fly but am intrigued by other landscapes and cultures... You seem to have had the opportunity to enjoy many different ones. How awesome to have so many memories of such a diverse exsperience!!

    My cousin is 6yrs old and like you dreams passionately about working in the gaming industry. I'll enjoy telling him all about you and hopefully by doing so, will inspire him to follow his dream and that he can be successful in this too!!! Awwh... I'm feeling teary just picturing this!!!!!! 😍

    An Art Director!? Well as a bit of an arty myself, I know it isn't always plain sailing with us types,being so passionate and all but you're obviously pulling it off and have a great team, otherwise I wouldn't be enjoying what is essentially the "King Playground" so much. Across the board the games are magnificent and you all should feel proud of doing such fine work.

    As @Lola_Pop mentioned

    Here's sending you some love and peace

    Have a wonderba day chickadee :0)

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    Gday Zatransis a.k.a @MikeHenry,

    What a very interesting name lol? Where did you get it lol?

    I don't fly but am intrigued by other landscapes and cultures.How awesome to have memories from such diverse experiences!!!

    Art Director!! Wow that's a lot of teams within teams!! That must be fantastic to work in such a creative environment and you guyz, although working hard, must enjoy exchanging ideas and creating superb characters and features that we get to enjoy. Thank you :0)

    I have a 6yr old cousin whose learning Japanese so he can work at Nintendo.He is amazing and his computer brain has so much "behind the scenes" data lol He has autism and is a genius!!! I'll be sharing your experience with the gaming industry with him so he can be encouraged and inspired to follow his dream, knowing he can be successful in doing something he loves so passionately!! Computer brain plus imaginative heart 💖 Who can beat that lol!!!

    Thank you for taking the time to share with all of us here. This stuff is gold lol

    As @Lola_Pop mentioned

    Love and peace to you

    Have a Wondabar day :0)

  • muhAmad45
    muhAmad45 Posts: 3

    Level 1


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