¸¸.¸.☆¨¯`♥´ ¸¸.☆¨¯`♥´ Welcome to all Level 6000! ¸¸.¸.☆¨¯`♥´ ¸¸.☆¨¯`♥´
¸¸.¸.☆¨¯`♥´ ¸¸.☆¨¯`♥´ Congrats for making it to Level 6000 Everyone! ¸¸.¸.☆¨¯`♥´ ¸¸.☆¨¯`♥´ ♥*·.-:¦:-·*♥ Woo Hoo! »(¯`v´¯)-- »Made it to Level 6000 finally... ♥*·.-:¦:-·*♥
Here's my funny gif’ of the day
Great scores gamers!
Only 13th place among my friends at 488,640
Major oops! I was counting every shape! Now I see the 8 candies!
Sweet Candies! 🍬🍬 How many can you see here? 72?
Love the new visuals for level complete messages! It helps to get back to the game that much faster!
I don't have Candy Necklace yet, but I can't wait to play! It looks like fun!