@piaandersson Thanks. Have only passed 2 normal levels and 2 in the event so they must have counted the event. Perhaps it's so that people who are at the finish of normal levels can still take part.
Hi @piaandersson Have just been given the golden key - managed to pass the level I was stuck on then another and passed levels in the current event. So you have a chance if you haven't completed the event....but then we'll never know the answer to my question!
@merpet Golden egg event starts on 10th December. You need to win 3 normal levels before then to qualify.
Have been stuck on my current level for several days, so may not manage to pass three levels in next week. Do those of us that don't qualify get a normal weekly event instead?
@PummyRaj I had the pop up last time, completed 3 levels and had the egg event. This time have had the pop up saying about qualifying, but am unlikely to so asking whether I'll get the event anyway, but not have a share of gold bars. @piaandersson After the last golden egg event it was 10 days before getting the currentβ¦
@QueenB No longer waiting
No only know a little. Sehr