I continue speaking with myself : ) Requirement are now little lower (38 mushrooms) and I passed the level with little help of boosters.
Is this level on the list to be checked by the studio?
Level is impossible.
I also haven't passed this updated version. My best is about 60% after several tries.
I would also want tips how this level can be passed.
And now back to 350...
Are they insane at Kings studio?!? Yesterday this level needed 350 and I couldn't pass it. Now it needs 850!!!
Level has changed again. Now it can be passed, yippee!
Congratulations Jessica : ) I still haven't beat the level. But I think I take a few months break rather than buy moves... for what... just to end up next impossible level... that seems to be a trend.
I agree with Jessica Reszka. Lower requirements are still to high. Tried about 30-40 times with companion and using boosters, but haven't passed the level.