LoFiGummy, I appreciate your reply. I have not played one event or level since this was reported. I really hope there is a resolution soon because I am missing out on rewards. The only consolation is that I can still get the daily bonus when I open up the game. Please keep me posted on any developments pertaining to this…
LoFiGummy, Have you got a status update? Thank you.
LoFiGummy, The Android version for my phone is 13. I hope this issue can be fixed soon. Thank you.
PummyRaj, I have yet to receive any status or update of this missing numbers issue pertaining to crops that need to be collected. I log in everyday to get the daily boosters but I did not get the chance to play The Chicken Coop event and I would prefer not to lose the opportunity to play The Water Well event. Please advise…
PummyRaj, I do not have much of a choice but to wait for confirmation that there is a fix to the missing requirements. I would like to open up a level to play without the risk of losing boosters or lives. Please keep me posted and I look forward to receiving favorable news. Thank you.
PummyRaj, I appreciate the information and hope to receive good news that this issue has been resolved so I can start playing again. Thank you.
PummyRaj, Have you heard anything from the Community-In-Charge? I have not played Farm Heroes since this issue was reported and will likely not until the problem is fixed. I hate to lose out on rewards but without knowing if this is resolved makes it difficult. I do not want to risk losing boosters* or lives by opening the…
PummyRaj, I hope to hear a resolution before "The Chicken Coop" event which started yesterday ends. Thank you.
PummyRaj, The requested information is appended below: Device: Samsung Version: 6.44.11 I.D.: 6630961816 Thanks
PummyRaj and QueenB, I really appreciate it. Thank you.