I have had this same issue for several months now and have tried all of your suggestions but nothing helps. When will this be fixed?
Deleted game and done! No more soda for me....ever. Now, how do I remove myself from this page?
Done with this game -- deleted and done!
Comments must now be approved before posting?
So frustrating! No quests; no Toffee; no nothing. When will this new Toffee feather be released to everyone?????
When will this be released to everyone? I still don't have it ...
Mine too
Hi Lisa, since you asked this question a few days ago has it resolved yet? Please give us more details if you are still having the same issue - where are you playing the game? Computer? Mobile? Are you playing through Facebook? No, it is not solved. Facebook/computer/mobile/iPad...only in Chrome
This issue has now been fixed. Thank you King Care for a prompt response! Exactly the same thing happened to me...and the screen froze and kicked me out of the level. Lost many boosters. Will keep trying but with no more boosters.
Currently on this one and bored to tears!!!! Same little itty bitty board to try to create combos to get the ridiculous amount of blocks. I've played several times and have not even come close. It really is super boring. I am beginning to hate Candy Crush with these ridiculous levels!