I understand how it works as one must complete the required levels to receive the bonus listed. However, my question was why excessive levels must be completed in order to play. I always finish any new levels the same day they were downloaded. I believe Mr. Snappy’s Garden is being discontinued.
After completing a game, it immediately goes into Denize’s Star Dust even though it’s not a new level. It’s not calculating my green candies in the Buddy Challenge.
It works sporadically. I finally received my earned premiums in one lump sum, but it was really delayed. Whomever updated the latest upgrade, needs to research why it is not immediately delivering on the premiums or eliminate it as you suggested.
I play the Candy Crush weekend stripe contests which now go from Thursday through early Monday morning. Is it rigged? I am retired and put in over 30 hours and now have a score of over 18,000 points. However, two people have come from nowhere to have 25,000 and over 33,000 points. Even if they are playing new levels which…
If these contests were offered on Wednesdays when the new levels are introduced, it would make more sense.