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Tonya_Scanlon Level 3


  • okay so today i tried to get into pet rescue saga 1st so no flash is turned on my browser is html5 yet i got that i need to enable flash so looks like only way to play the game is via facebook.or download the app king has so many games and it would be so unfair to have to download all of them via an app and i dont have a…
  • ty n have also posted it in there but so far no reply to it
  • i play via google chrome html5 did your test on it n got a score of 525 which therefore means i shoulld be able to play pet rescue saga but all i get is this plz see pic. i play various games via the king website n the 1st game i play i still have to use flash, yet bubble witch saga is also another game that i play that is…
  • my browser is html5 yet it wont load the game instaed i get this plz see pic. i play most of the king games via there website n the 1st game i play is still using flash so i have to use it but i then go to pet rescue sage n today i got the pic so am unable to play i use google chrome browser, i did your html5 test n it…
  • would be nice if u could get a team im lomeson in my team just me no other person and i cant thank the members here that are sending me more moves in order to play more and also that want help i send the resquest back but just me i wont get very far on the treasure chest side of things but am just so happy to play I LOVE…
  • the name of my team even though it has just me in it at mo is SODA SQUAD so still looking for team mates plz
  • would of been nicer if i didnt have to start at beginning again after i took a couple of wks off due to being in hospital, prior to then i was alot higher in lvls but still these things happen i suppose if u take time off cant remember what lvl i was but it was over the 1000th lvl more the 2000th lvl
  • ty so very much was so odd cause i ended up in hospital so came back to the game a couple of wks later n had to start all over again not that i mind but i was alot of a higher lvl before that
  • hi im looking for team mates for candycrushsoda saga im lvl 386 i play daily n love the game. i dont know how to join a team but im a very energetic player n so hate it when i have run out of moves
  • hello everyone i live in Ireland i moved here permantly 15yrs ago. I use to live in UK unfortunately i only have the friends from here i play candycrush daily plus other king games n i find it helps me to unwind or cheer me up. I have tropical fish in a 350litre tank so alot of fish ialso have now 9 cats had 10 until today…
  • ty for letting me know this bearwithme only proplem i have is the people that i play with via any of my king games as i play a few r all just people from here i dont have their email address so unfortunately i wont be able to do that. Just out of interest y did king site change that i can understand the privacy reasons but…
  • ty for doing your sweet magic on this proplem for me crazy cat lady it is very much appreciated. I unfortunately dont no longer have a fb acct n refuse to have one again bearwithme as had so many prolems with it so i will just continue playing my favourite king games via there website
  • ok ty ill try on windows 10 microsoft edge platform/website but i will still have to type in search bar as i dont have a fb acct obviously my computer is windows 10 upgraded but will try that
  • i play via here is a screenshot of the farmheroes saga will get one of the farmheroes super saga tomorrow if u would like one
  • im able to load the start but i then log in n it just says loading ive waited a hour for it to actually change but it doesnt so i refreshed my page n i had to log in still which would be obvious so i tried again the same i cleared my cache n my flash n tried again but still the same, i use google chrome browser so…
  • ok @QueenB i changed my pic went into other games pic had changed in them so after playing 4 different games i went back into farmheroes n the pic hasnt changed it is still of the dog 
  • havent tried a different browser as tried it once before n found that game wasnt good on a different browser will change my pic n see if that makes any difference will let u know if it doesnt 

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