I agree! The only way I could get it. Now 8345 is just as bad! This is getting ridiculous!
Let’s hope it will not be an impossible Mystery Mountain. They are taking away all our chances of acquiring extra gold bars, moves and boosters without buying them.
Yes I did but not without boosters and extra moves. There has not been one level this week that I haven’t played multiple times and had to use boosters and/or extra moves to pass. It’s discouraging to say the least.
I don’t think that is possible! No video to show how to do it so it’s not been done yet without boosters!
I passed it but used many boosters and extra moves. I’m on 8332 now and it’s the same way! These levels are not fun! I don’t mind hard levels when I can see some hope of completing but these are not that way. They have to have extra moves/ boosters or gold bars. There are no videos to watch either so that proves they are…
The new levels this week were 8308-8323. There were 15 new ones on Tuesday.
My mistake this week there are only 15. Next Tuesday there should be 30. Sorry.
There are 15 levels one week and 30 the next. They rotate out! This week there are 30.
I play thru Facebook and mine is updated. I don’t play on my phone I play on my IPad.
I did the same thing and passed.