Emptied all collected boosters and now discouraged to continue Not even close It is so obvious that 9990 to 9999 levels are profiteering than entertaining 💰
But seriously with the boosters its impossible to complete this huge order @LindQ
9990 need to look into @LindQ orders are enormous
9974 is difficult to pass please look into this level @LindQ
I am also finding it very difficult to pass hope they look into this level @LindQ
@LindQ Hi there I think 9757 is impossible without plenty of boosters Need to look into this
@LindQ 9665 says oops without even giving chance to play one move I lost my win streak
Done N dusted. easy peasy
@LindQ please look into level 9543 thks
@Peter_Tornaros hi there No I didn't find it difficult to complete 9524 but certainly yes that it takes long time to End