Som problem with 2454,2455 and 2459 needed to clear 2459 with golden hat
I found it thanks for the gold👍🤗
I am logged in with Facebook and I don't know where to find my user id number?
Thanks 😊
2444 2445 was funny lvls and 2426 I get help with golden hat but I cleared them on the first time I love this game
This was hard in the final round and my phone is not the best unluckily but I hope better next time
Thanks teoboy here
I almost writing the same all time but I clear the most of them at the same way and this lvls I clear without help only 2420 I just golden hat
Most of them i cleared on one try but with some help and I was stuck on 2406 and 2407 some time but I cleared them with some help and 2411 with golden hat
Sometimes i forgot to take pictures but I cleared alot of lvl and its hard but I cleared them with some help and 2388 I was stuck for over one hour