I'm still having these incredible problems with this game! You will fix it, I'll catch up. then fall behind again and it would take days to do one level. Level 8427. It crazy! I can't make a wrap and stripe candy to gether , because it always explodes by themselves. My bommbs don't line up but go in opposite directions.…
Im on a two booster day. I only moved one level because the booster bombs kept going opposite of each other. I'm still way behind.😫 Both of you have a good week.😊 @Snow_Rider @Princess_Jessica
I just got through it. Now on Level 8425. trying to get pass the blockades which takes 5 moves a piece! I'm still wayyy behind everyone else. One or two plays are breezing through. I use to be in the group. How are they breezing through when my cotton candy takes 5 moves to remove it? How do they get their levels to be so…
@Snow_Rider @Princess_Jessica Thanks for your patience. Yes I'm still having trouble. But at least it stopped freezing. My daily booster still keeps blocking me making 4 or 5.
@Snow_Rider @Princess_Jessica I'm still having trouble with my levels. Others have already passed me by over 8-10 levels ahead of me. and they are having no problem. I did upgrade everything. And did all the checks you asked me to😉 But I'm still way behind while others have no problem and I'm still stuck on level 8377.…
Others don't seem to have a problem They are breezing through the levels. They are staying within a group with one leading the way. I'm always far behind and my boosters explode when i try to set them up with a stripe candy. Right now many have been fixed, thank you. And the frozen part has been fixed on your end. 😄 Once…
Nothing has changed. I'm on Level 8336. It's a two part. and I'm still getting played with.😡 It takes 10 moves to get through the first level. Everyone i gone of course. I have two boosters yesterday and it didn't work. as usual. I'm just so ready to go the "compensated" way with the others.😓
I wish I could write to you privately. I was told by certain "people" in a higher admin to contact you. I can't give you a screenshot because they changed the format and I don't know how to do it. I was told never mind it's hard to write here and I don't want to cause a disturbance.. But yea I contacted the CEO's. The game…