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Mark_Adcock Level 3


  • I have always said this game is utter garbage - and the past week just helps to confirm it. I have been stuck on the same MTF for five days, and nobody else has even gone for a square. I have no boosters, and so picked up two easy squares before going for "pass 2 levels". And here is the joke - a REGULAR level with masses…
  • Oh, seems that my rant appeared twice - apologies. And have no idea how you delete your own posts ;-)
  • I have no idea what sugar drops are. Are they the things you collect and when you get enough the machine spits out two boosters? I should go back and play earlier levels just to collect them? There seems no point in doing that - most of the time the boosters you get from doing that are timed, so you cannot store them up?…
  • With all due respect, by reaching level 3006, I think if I had access to the boosters you mentioned I would have cleared it by now. The only boosters I can earn are on the daily wheel (useless, and dishonestly rigged beyond belief - level 3006 and got the jackpot would be laughable if it wasn't so criminal) or…
  • Maybe instead of investing money in designing MTF and the Soda Squad garbage, King should have invested more resources into finding the odd developer who is able to design levels that have at least a modicum of entertainment and fun, rather than filling each board with blockers, reducing the moves and rebranding it Ultra…
  • For three days the same two players have sat on the same squares, helping to block the whole board. They have chosen the squares "use a free hand swap" and "use a lollipop hammer". Please explain to me, without using the phrases "I agree, this game is a crock of garbage and the 'people' in your team are not real people but…
  • MTF is nonsense. It is sooooo satisfying (spot the sarcasm) to make a line of four and be rewarded with a mammoth "stripe for an hour". Level 1800ish - I think by now I am capable of making my own stripe. ONE stripe at the beginning of the game? Well, whoopee! It's so derisory, it's actually insulting. Like your boss…
  • UK English = tick. US English = check mark.
  • Yes. But it has now given me the tick, after about 30 mins.
  • No, this is on my PC via Facebook. No apps or mobile device.
  • So, MTF now refuses to give me a line of four after I achieved the final tick, saying that I have not got any Internet connection. How am I managing to play the stupid game then? Or post on here? You couldn't make it up, how crap this all is...
  • Elsa - I too think the game is now awful. I don't play in my spare time, but when at work purely to pass the time. Mind you, the game is so dull these days, it is actually more enjoyable to be working. What started out as a mildly fun game has turned into a tedious chore at the higher levels (I am only 1701). As I have…
  • The usual story - way too much effort for such little reward. Even in boards with such limited space, it's amazing how many times a multitude of boosters are placed in such a way that they cannot be combined, or are no help at all, or self-destruct due to cascades or, when the game cheats (which is often), your colouring…
  • Gold pin is the same nonsense where you are told to beat 5 levels first time during one episode to get some fancy sword...King don't tell you that it is totally and utterly worthless, but hope that some players decide to buy a booster to obtain it. But hey, they're not unscrupulous ... much ;-)
  • For the second time running, I have made a line of four and was awarded a wrapped candy (oooh, how my heart raced when I saw that. Almost beats a lottery win...) and an hour's free play. Again, neither of them were actually given to me. If you want to reinforce my opinion that this game is pure garbage, then you're…
  • Becky, 1-2 hours on a single level? Depending what level you're on, that's pretty good going! I'm on 1690, never used a single booster, but it takes a day or so to beat most levels. Not bragging - there is zero skill or strategy to this game. The program decides when to let you pass. It doesn't matter what moves you make,…
  • Rather than sitting down and coming up with garbage like MTF, why not get in a brand new set of developers who have at least a modicum of imagination - instead of simply filling a level with so many blockers, reducing the moves and calling it "Hard", where the only way to win is to combine a colouring candy with a colour…
  • Gold pin is like the nonsense where you are told to beat 5 levels first time during one episode to get some fancy sword...King don't tell you that it is totally and utterly worthless, but hope that some players decide to buy a booster to obtain it. But hey, they're not unscrupulous ... much ;-)
  • I'm afraid the entire game revolves around players buying boosters. They are a business after all. Personally I see no point in spending a single penny on something that has no material value. Why pay for a booster to help clear a level, knowing full well you are going to probably be stuck on the next one? And the next?…

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