Wow my head is spinning with all these threads I'm a much better player than a conversationalist. Not sure if I made day 1 check in. If anyone runs across mine and can make me aware I would appreciate it Ty
Ty for the tag @Diamond_Lim I'm kinda in a twilight zone with my King games at the moment my favorite will always be the Royal championship. Taking a break from Soda at the moment because our team was too good and King wanted to let the rookies get a chance. I still pop in on Friends from time to time I love their side…
Only 1 way we get our teams back and possibly force a change back to normal 100% boycott anyone who is affected by this change and want your teammates back STOP PLAYING IMMIDIETLY. till our opinions are heard and counted. @everyone
Ty for the tag @Diamond_Lim I would love to add a feature that takes my bonus points away from any player who leaves a match early causing me not to receive once I win. Even better take double bonus points from them and give them to me😎 Candy Crush Royal Championship Ty