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🔮ENDED Answer 3 questions🙏 and receive a Badge ENDED 🥳



  • LuciLu8
    LuciLu8 Posts: 330

    Hi @PrettyBubbles

    1. How long have you been playing BW2 ......

    I used to play it a while ago

    2. How did you find us .....


    3. How many times do you stop at the BW2 community ....

    Often 😀

  • Angel_Natasha
    Angel_Natasha Posts: 12,298


    1. Half of month ❣

    2. I found it through community ❣

    3. I like badges ❣❣

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,079

    1. How long have you been playing BW2...... =played a couple of years ago but changed to Bw3

    2. How did you find us.....=Play store originally

    3. How often do you stop by the BW2 community.... =Whenever I get tagged for a contest

  • EOTheGr8
    EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679

    @PrettyBubbles Here are my answers: ⤵️

    1. How long have you been playing BW2?

    I’ve barely installed the game not too long ago, but I don’t play it a lot. I’m trying to get into it more…..

    2. How did you find us?

    When I joined the King Community and found all the games, BW2 was one of them.

    The only games I played before I came to the community were all the CC games and PRS. And now I have all 12 games on my devices now lol

    3. How often do you stop by the BW2 community?

    Whenever I decide to! 😉

  • Lemurtek
    Lemurtek Posts: 2,079

    Hi and thanks @PrettyBubbles !

    1. How long have you been playing BW2...... I've had the game on my Mobile Phone for awhile, But I've bee playing regularly since February of this year. Usually play BW2 when BW3S gets frustrating! I'm still a noob at BW2, but an enthusiastic Noob!

    2. How did you find us..... Last year I downloaded a bunch of King games on my new phone, Bw2 was one of them. But, it wasn't until @Lola_Pop posted about BW2 having 5000 levels that I really started playing.

    3. How often do you stop by the BW2 community.... I guess mostly whenever I get a notification for some event or other, like, I don't know, this one! 😁

  • siti_payung
    siti_payung Posts: 13,089


    1. How long have you been playing BW2.?

    Not yet. Will download this weekend.

    2. How did you find us?

    @Diamond_Lim tagging

    3. How often do you stop by the BW2 community ?

    Depend on contest. Since there's badges for levels complete..I will play

  • KCullen127
    KCullen127 Posts: 6,706

    @PrettyBubbles - I started with BW2 before moving over to BW3. I will play BW2 when I am stuck on BW3 levels.

    1. How long have you been playing BW2

    I started with BW2 a year ago and I switch between BW2 and BW3

    2. How did you find us.....

    By accident when I needed to save the game or lose my progress.

    3. How often do you stop by the BW2 community....

    I think I visited only two or three times since I joined the community.

  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 58,181

    Hi @PrettyBubbles I play BWS3

    1. How long have you been playing BW2.. -->I will start playing as soon as I buy a new mobile

    2. How did you find us.. --> through your taggings to vote on blockers and boosters

    3. How often do you visit the BW2 community..--> whenever I get tagged for a contest

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    Hello! Here are my answers

    1. How long have you been playing BW2......

    honestlyy, I haven't checked it out yet for time reasons but it's on my list 😭

    2. How did you find us.....

    the community

    3. How often do you stop by the BW2 community....

    basically when I open tag notifications to see what's new, like for any other community. Well, except soda 😅

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