@Pitty_Kitty @Diamond Lim the game feedback says i have succeeded in putting that person on ignore and if it doesn't work, i'll be back to tell you thank you very much for your courtesy and for helping me
@Toussaint73 at this point, i don't need you to tell me it didn't work.. just msg me when it works.. i'll assume it didn't work if you don't post anything to me
@Toussaint73 here's a thought.. if i try to add someone and it doesn't work, i have to close my social and open it again to make a new one work.. perhaps it might work for you?
@Toussaint73 if you collect all the names of the ppl you want to respond to and put "@" in front of the name you can save yourself making multiple posts.. theyt will all get a notification that it didn't work and your new code number