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MimisBug Level 2


  • Good morning @Lola_Pop and @channie8 and other jellies... I have done all of the steps to attempt to fix the issue...actually I have done them all quite a few times except I only uninstalled and reinstalled once. Unfortunately nothing has fixed it. I am getting ready to "rank up" to 59 for like the 15th time. Usually I…
  • Hello again!! I wanted to pop in to say the ranking up issue not only continues, it's worse than ever :( I have ranked up to level 59 about a dozen times at this point. When you rank up it shows that you receive an RC ticket as a reward but I don't receive that either. I fear im starting to sound like a broken record but I…
  • Good morning @channie8 ... I wanted to pop in and let you know that after only 5 or 6 short times of ranking up to level 58 I finally ranked up to 59 🥳🥳🥳🥳😜 Woohooo! Also, my husband went to the doctor again yesterday and he is being sent to a cardiologist on Friday. They changed his meds and are setting him up for a heart…
  • Im sure I am super late posting this but hey why not, right?
  • Good evening @channie8 I'm glad I got you to laugh 😊 Honestly that made my day! I just wanted to pop in again to let you know that I have finally ranked up to 58... actually I have now ranked up to level 58 about 5 times 🤣 I think RC may have developed a very pronounced stutter 🤣 However, something even more odd happened…
  • Hello again, fellow jelly junkies 😜 I wanted to pop in to let you guys know that I finally stopped ranking up over and over to level 56 🥳🥳🥳 Now I am ranked to level 57... here is the catch...I now keep ranking up to level 57 over and over 😩🤣🥳 Hey, if I can't laugh about it then I need to stop playing. Hope you are all…
  • Hello again y'all! My dilemma continues today :( Of course RC isn't open today and so I am playing regular jelly. Twice now in between levels suddenly pops up the "you ranked up from level 55 to 56" again 😩 It now lets me see me being bumped back to level 55 just before it congratulates me for hitting 56. I went ahead and…
  • Thank you, Channie8! I always try to be kind. I understand that it can be frustrating but ultimately it's a game and it is by no means worthy of hatefulness. I just wanted to check in because I leveled up to level 56 again first thing this! I decided to take another screenshot, even though I forgot to post…

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