I have been playing for at least 3 years but I just found this a month ago. I am stuck w/out lives on 2047!! Any advise besides getting the perfect Camus and boosters
There are too many times when I have to use all my boosters early in the day , if it’s the weekend. I would love to be able to push on the app and have a second to not use everything that minute. Like a pause button, BUT it can only be used like once a week and it only last 3 hours! But try to only open the game when you…
Hello!! Well, I’m sorry first of all to whom ever told me to share my feelings only because this is something I love to do and don’t want to wear it out! Lol. I read many people talking about the current situation we all have in common which is not knowing and following instructions blindly hoping they are correct and our…
I appreciate pop ups because I know they give boosters! Gives me something to work for. The Key is Especially hard to get. I mean when stuck on a level and I’d like the free moves from balls that have different free moves at random. when a level is almost completed and you get free extra moves makes me keep going. Being…
Being stuck at home means the dog can have the best days of her life!! This baby suffers from Severe epilepsy and when the anxiety of being alone is gone, she sleeps ON me for hours😊❤️ Candy Crush marathon it is😬
I would like to be considered an expert. Though I don’t have money to purchase help often I still play hard and Strategize till I pas each level. When I have purchased boosters I CAN PASS SEVERAL LEVELS AT A TIME. If you choose me I will continue to play hard and try to see what I can do with and without help. Any tips on…
I would like bubble gum hill to have some sort of clue to how many gold bars you will receive because so many times you play and use lives to get 1 gold bar. I would change how easy it is to “accidentally” hit the button for “10 bars you get 5 extra moves” because u hit it and your bars are gone and you never wanted to use…