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Deryck Level 5


  • 2. Orchestra Also, @AudioTeam finally I know who to address re. this issue! : On PC only, all game sound (both music & sound effects) is muted when I minimize and recall the app. When opening the game straight away, the sound plays fine though. This issue doesn't exist on mobile, only the Win app.
  • I wonder if it has to do with players' current levels, @cookiemae. Maybe you're offered 30 in yours due to being so high up in the game, as an incentive. But that doesn't explain why Alienscar's box gives 15 while I'm offered 20; he's in the 6,000 levels while I'm in the 3,000s. If anything, I should get the lesser prize.…
  • This was the actual reason for the 40 gold bars. Mobile is at least forthcoming about things; there was a pop-up announcement that Chocolate Box would double its rewards over the weekend. Due to so many popups in the game, people tend to X things out either accidentally or deliberately without thought though. The PC app…
  • So it's still King's money in other words. 😕 Seems it'd have been a lot simpler just to give a big gold bar prize. After all, what else can one buy with a Candy Crush gift card?? A gift card would only be useful if Candy Crush had an actual, physical store that sold candy/merchandise. Or am I missing something here? 🤷‍♂️
  • Thanks @bearwithme, useful indeed. As far as I know, community members can't start a thread in this forum section, so I couldn't think of where else to ask. I actually do want to share my 25 race streak for the badge (why I selected/opened your thread). But it'll have to wait till I'm on my home PC. 😀
  • @Princess_Jessica wrote: "the episode race is only giving me 40 gold bars now why is that? I was getting 45 for winning races in a row like this 😄" In addition to what bearwithme said, different devices also seem to award different amounts. For me the mobile prize is 40 gold bars while PC offers 45 gold bars. Naturally I…
  • "I think it runs over four episodes" Not just a thought but is the case. The Events tab, when starting Volcanic Panic, indicates 0/60. Since 15 levels are in an episode, 60 / 15 = 4 episodes. That's for the first "tier" anyway. I was unaware there would be more; thanks for the tip.I agree with @PummyRaj that the subsequent…
  • I figured that was the case, @nekocat. 😁 No worries as I got it sorted out! I'm good! Random Q: are you actually French/in France? I'd assumed Japanese based on your username. that I think about it, you could just be an anime fan. 😅
  • Thanks @Kerrie, and glad you're still playing too! I recall your avatar not moving upwards in levels a while back and figured you prob' took a break from the game. I should take a page from your weeding method and lower my limit. Currently I leave be anyone who's under 365 days. Yet there are many who haven't played in…
  • @nekocat No worries, this wouldn't be so complicated if King could make the game features straightforward for everyone. uh, think there was a misunderstanding. I don't need lives. I'm at the 200 max, so I can't receive more even if they're sent to me. I was asking you to click the Request life on my name. That'd allow me…
  • @candytown22 Even with the recent weeding I did, I still have ~1,400 friends in my list. (Guess I have another round to do!) That is to say, if you want a life from me in CCS, please send a life request as I can't be bothered to individually click all ~1,400 names to send lives. ..though sometimes I do click certain names…
  • @nekocat Absolutely, the more the merrier! ( long as they haven't abandoned the game lol) I can't find a "Kittykit" in my list, neither in the alphabetical K's or lowercase k's at the bottom. I'll check the Friends list on my PC app later and see if I find you; wonder if there's a delay with mobile.. 🤔 Send me a…
  • No idea if the Invite link on mobile will cooperate, but I don't have access to my PC currently. Let's test…: Can we be Candy friends? Click the link to add me to your friends list!
  • @Alienscar wrote: "So your levels won today will show all the levels you have won from Tuesday last week until Tuesday this week." 😱 How long did it take you to figure that out? Cuz it's definitely not transparent lol! I think I did play an episode last week, but I always finish any episode I begin right away (same day),…
  • This change makes no sense. Fortunately, my inventory is still present. But for those who posted the new display, how exactly can they purchase boosters? One can only buy more of a given booster by clicking on that booster's icon—which they can't do by virtue of a naked profile. (..ooh, spicy) If another method was…
  • @christinewupp Sorry I missed this thread(s). (I see it looks like threads merged anyway) I wasn't ignoring you! lol Yes, I took a break from the game and community for a bit, but began playing new levels again a few weeks ago. @Alienscar correctly surmised that my "Played today" from months ago referred to me opening the…
  • Finite death
    in Unlimited life Comment by Deryck May 25

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