But we all know suggesting anything is pointless. Members vote for things and make suggestions and the developers do the opposite. I truely wonder what the point of these forums are as nothing is ever taken on board by the developers. People have been campaigning for years to remove the laughing emoji yet it’s still there.…
The game was run when it was first introduced, it was about skill and chance, not pre determined. I used to play everyday but now I come on and lose 5 times in a row and don’t bother for the rest of the week. There are more enjoyable games out there that are actually FUN. It’s a real shame the developers have done this,…
Of course, blame the players internet connection rather than the obvious glitch in the game. This happens to many players, myself included. It is a fault with the game , not the player 🙄 . Since when are we gaslighting players and blaming them for well known glitches in the game?
As a mod, fair enough, if a house rule is broken, let someone know. But a blatant personal threat - anywhere, anytime, from anyone - regardless of being a mod, is completely uncalled for under any circumstance. This is supposed to be a friendly forum - no place for bullying and threats - even by moderators.
Definitely, this isn’t a “game” any more. There are so many times it is blatantly obvious the app is rigged, example below of a ridiculous amount of points in a super short time frame. 60 ladder points in five minutes? Hmmmmmmm I completely support you. Players are spending $$$ and not being given any kind of fair chance
You’ve definitely posted in the right place, I’m not sure why Diamond Lim has stated otherwise. This IS the place to post about everything to do with RC and you post is completely valid. note that moderators aren’t happy if you are not constantly praising the game, however it is extremely hard to praise a game that is so…
I’d rather developers focus on fixing the already existing issues that are never addressed. the RC is not really fun to play anymore, it’s not realistic. The predetermined winner/ loser algorithm defeats the purpose of a “game” it’s not even fun to win with the ridiculous one sided drops of special candies for one player…
I saw this too, had purchased 24 hr tickets, by the time it opened again, no tickets left. Very sneaky and deceitful. I can’t believe how players are so disregarded by the developers. I was hoping it was closed so they could improve on this ridiculous pre determined winner thing but it’s even more ridiculous than ever!…