Hi everyone Since we have this turn off possibility I noticed that my team not scoring as much as at the beginning of the F5. Maybe could explain these no scoring players in the team. When you turn off F5 in your settings you no longer score points while playing. But you’re not removed from the team because when you turn…
Thanks @mercerik my English is not so good but I‘m trying to make me understand. I prefer using a dictionary than a google translator but I still make mistakes. I’m often writing in English with my American friends in a Facebook group which brings together rocks painters from all over the globe, so I’ve had some practice.…
It’s happened to me too @Crushie It’s the third time since the beginning of August. After collecting the 50 green candies and the Dexter event notification, nothing’s goes...
I never lost sugar drops and I was switched to timed booster 6 weeks ago. I continue to collect SD twice a day to earn sometimes a few Lollipop but my booster’s bank is gradually emptying and I’m getting a little bored of these useless rewards. I think I will take a break for few months, especially since my Events board is…
Thank you @mercerik for these clarifications. Unfortunately no fun events alternates on my board Candy Pets was here every Monday since months and just disappeared this week with nothing to put in it’s place. And Space Dash didn’t substitute my Built-A-Bot, this week my Fun Events is empty... I’m gonna be patient waiting…
It happened to me too :😡 I’m agree with you @ernstbln they are killing the game one by one On my own I have the robot every other week, my pitiful five team is a phantom and I earn timed rewards while there is no more levels to play on my board... so suffice to say that I hardly play anymore Hi @Sukanta_Biswas Thanks for…