@KimElston ,Selecting the same flower happens aleast 3 out 5 times I play. I usually check during the time I'm trying to complete the flower to make sure someone didn't pick the same flower as I ,and BOOM they have. But aleast someone is playing and I'm not completing all by myself.
@Chicken_Slayer ,I thought it was after level2160 ,but @TempleKassing was @ 2158 a d she has already has played it . So to answer ur question idk. Lol.
@TempleKassing that's awesome u was able to beat without boosters, I think I used 6 boosters on that one level. I wasn't trying to be aknow it all about Leo's cup, I didn't relieze ,how mine was could be different for someone else . Level2167 is ridiculous. So annoyed. Wake up tree is the same one from yesterday morning…
@TempleKassing not trying to stress u out even more. If possible when u get to Leo's save any boosters u get from the "wake the tree" cause level 2167 is just like 2158 if not worse. Level2166 is ridiculous 😠 also.dint use any boosters on Leo's cause it really not worth it u only win one booster and that's if u beat…
Hello everyone!! I love playing my game,I'm I just finished level2140 it's over. How can I find out when when they may have new levels? Or will they? Thank you