I loved chemistry!!! Never took honors chemistry, but I loved my teacher. One of the smartest guys ever. Besides, it was better than biology lol. As you can tell, I may be a bit better at chemistry than @Nck ’s
@wykoon awesome! Sounds like me with Fortnite and Fall Guys these days lol. I never played WoW though. I know people that have. It used to be one of the biggest games on the planet for a while.
Well, @Greymane has now become a creepy stalker. Just what I needed😅 Anyway, @wykoon I’ll go easy with this truth. When you were young (or any point in you life for that matter) did you play video games and which one was your favorite?
@Marriam1 at least this question I can answer without embarrassing myself in front of the world (looking at you, Grey). To answer the question, I would probably go with someone hot. If they’re hot, they can’t be 100% bad in bed, am I right?