Qualified yes barely,but I need a break from CC at times because of the constant bombardment of disappointing disappearing boosters and gold that I should be getting and empty videos that keep getting longer... Have a great day people, take a break now and then,,,spend and vote wisely!
Thanx for the information, I am going slow and studying carefully if I delete. This seems to be a work in progress..even though I sent friend request, for a couple weeks I was getting no response,,this week a couple went through and accepted, and then I swear a couple appeared on my list that I really don't remember…
I thought it would be interesting,,,,BUT!, too many show not loading or updating, when it shows that status plus that they don't appear to be playing anymore,,I can't unfriend them,a d on top of that, I don't think invites are working,,, I've not been able to get new friends since this feature was added.