Trouble with Level 8131
Good morning. This level isn't working correctly. When I do get the stripe candy and the wrapped one together, they explode by themselves and nothing goes away. When it doesn't explode and I put them together, nothing gets erased like it use to. When I use the color balls together. They don't come together. But go in…
Level 7885
I stayed away and/or not played it as much and still I'm trying to figure out how do you win at this level? They want 10 monkies. It takes 5 moves to make one. There is never enough orange. Too many blockage. The cotton candy takes 3 moves to go away. So how did the two people get so far ahead of me? This is me using my…
Level 5096 doesn't work
Perhaps someone can help me with these new levels because they are not working. They only give you 20 moves to make 6 monkies. It takes 7 moves to make ONE monkie. I would need 42 moves to win the game. It's not working. The math doesn't add up. The most you can get is two. I don't know who is making the new levels but…
I Keep getting cheated on level 7774
I had all the monkies down for the fish to knock them across the finish line. There was 2 left. I use all my lollipops and boosters. I had to get only one. The fish didn't go to it. Instead it went to a new on way up top!!!! What kind of crap is this? It did this to me three times now. I'm out of boosters and Lollipops…
No More 22 Moves
Why are we only allowed 22 moves? I'm on Level 7755 and there is NO WAY you can do this level with all the blockage at 22 moves.😡 The boosters keep blocking you from making 4 or 5 moves. "Special people " get free gold bars and free boosters. THAT has been proven on these discussions. And nothing came about "Wonderful…
Not able to get off Level 7671
Yes I'm at the new levels. With that being said, these new lecvels only give you 20-222 moves. It's so full of blockage especially around the edges you can only do the middle. I've already played it over 100 times. On the second day now. Yes I asked Support for help but I keep getting switched to new people or they want my…
Trouble with Level 7670
Good morning everyone. I've been on this level for 8 days now. It's only 22 moves. Blockage of everything!!! Including cotton candy you must hit 3 times to get it away. You have to make 10 monkeys. Never enough orange. If you use your boosters, they go in opposite sides never together to help you. The fish hit your…
Need help with Level 6323
Good morning everyone. I need help getting pass level 6323. It's only 22 moves and I've used all three boosters and still can't get pass this level. Too many blocks in the way. Cotton candy, cupcakes, etc.. Any ideas out there? Thank you. And have a good day everyone.☺️ I'm still on this level. Just too many squiggy lines…
Level 7428
I'm at Level 7428. They just put this up. I would like to know from anyone here how do I get pass this level? I have been playing it for over 1 1/2 hours Over 100 times. You are only allowed 21 moves for two parts. Right... Any ideas??? 10 moves allowed for each part? Right?😡 First level Then this is what is left over..…