Level 15000 Celebration Claim?
What is this Level 15000 Celebration Claim appearing in my Events - some rewards for those who have passed level 15000 I have to asked this question cos, on clicking that icon, I got No Connection warning. Funny though I could collect my rewards for Candy Quests and Candy Collection. @QueenB please help.
CCS is truly a puzzle game
Is this a new feature in the game for testing purposes, yet again What's the 3rd order in this level? What about this ? And this? Here, fish is yellow candy!
prior approval required, again
Pl tell me what's wrong with my post, intended for the UFO Cup thread, in answer to a friend's post there. @QueenB @Diamond_Lim pl
Candy Collection 10 Sept 23
Candy Collection : 2 versions found #1 : The more generous one, with shorter duration (24hrs), and less number of candies to be collected. 4700 blue candies to collect 2 hammers, 1 Switch, 1 Color Bomb, 1 UFO + 45min lives. #2 : the usual one, to collect more candies for less rewards. Even stage 1 requires more than 4700…
Candy Quests 14 Sept 23
Quest 1 : complete 7 levels (any level, even repeating the same replayed level) Quest 2 : collect 1300 orange candies Quest 3 : collect 8 crowns Quest 4 : use 54 Color Bombs Only in Val's account so far. Played 2 episodes for these quests, choc box, Candy Royale + Champions Race ( 2 rounds) = 123 gold bars + 5 Switch Hands…
Weird boards
Luckily the issue resolved by itself, after I closed and restarted the game
Puzzle Run September 2023
Parts 1 and 2 Part 1 started on 4 September, collecting green candies Part 2 starts today, passing 17 new levels
Star Tournament : Wrong delivery
I did NOT play for the latest Star Tournament that just ended, because- #1: Pot of Gold did not give x-multiplier to candies collected in new levels, so no need to tap on Star Tournament levels. #2: After I praised in a post here on 12 Aug the revamp of Star Tournament to allow level win streak progress, it's gone back to…
Free Party Booster
Got this pleasant surprise, a real, not timed, Party Booster was credited after I watched how it blasted off the candies and blockers. Actually do I need to be reminded of its power?
SAM the Joker did it again
Apart from his signature disappearing act from the game randomly, he likes to mess up with player progress. Val's not spared. Starting off with no fuss, one episode scores at position #1 When I returned to resume playing and after completed 1 new level: dropped to position #2 with highest score in the group. Error…