Heart meter
This whole time I knew your heart meter goes up when you complete a level. But I finally just realized the little pets running around with hearts above them you can click and that increases your meter. I thought they were just little pets in love!!🤣
Getting help
It's really frustrating that I can't get help because I play on windows laptop. I request help but been stuck on 5468 for a couple of days now. King decides who your friends are. I've helped so many ppl on my list who I don't know (which I enjoy doing) but nothing for me. I've watched videos but I just can't get the darn…
I've been stuck on level 5329 for days. It's says it's an easy level but I can't get through it. I've watched Lynette's video. You can't use any boosters and of course through King you have no friends that can help. The friends that King picks for you are not as far into the game that I am...it says I'm waiting for help…
Gold Bars
I noticed I'm losing my gold bars. For the first time since I've played this game I realized you can play Carnival more than once. Am I losing my bars by playing Carnival??
Can't get to my key booster.
So I have the bomb here but I need to use a key booster. This is on laptop. Anyone know of a trick to get up to the key booster? I always seem to need that booster when the bomb is in the way. Hopefully you'll understand by my picture? 😅
No friends
It really is awful that king can't find a way to add friends when you don't play through FB. I've needed help so many times and can't get any. The friends that "King" has picked for me never help bc they are so far behind me . I help so many that I don't know who they are (which I enjoy doing) on my list. Why can't they…
New laptop
I don't know if anyone can answer this for me or not. I have a strange feeling I'm going to need a new laptop. Well, I play on windows 10 through king. If I do get one. Is there a way to store my boosters into my microsoft account so I don't lose them. I know how to sign in as far my email and I'll have my gold and level…
Game crashed.
My game crashed on my again and won't load ....I went through this before and lost everything. All my boosters and gold saved up because I had to reinstall the game. I'm over it.
Level 3675 will not give me enough blocks for the butterflies...I'm so frustrated.😪
Just wondering
Just out of curiosity. Who spends money on this game?🤨 Maybe it's too personal of a question but I'm just wondering if I'm the only fool 😒