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Timed Levels

fredcatsdad Posts: 4 Newbie

To anyone having problems with timed levels. Please see my question on L1885 + the only reply + my comment. I am so bored with players posting videos of how to complete a timed level. That they do this raises more questions than answers. Q1) So, one day you decided to record how you can complete a timed level. How many hours/days/weeks before you got the perfect take? I.E. Before you could say "Wow! How cool am I? Must post this.". Q2) If you did it in one take then are we watching a King employee pretending that it's easier than it looks? Q3) How come in the FAQs there is always a reply to Q's about the timed levels that directs us to these video tutorials? More King employees? Well,if not, they would say that wouldn't they? I couldn't possibly comment on that! My last is not a question just an observation. It seems has millions of players worldwide but a great deal of the revenue from all the 0.79p, £3.99p, £14.99p transactions etc. garnered from the UK. alone, (I haven't yet found out where the rest of the money spent worldwide ends up. Give me time.), goes to a bank account in Malta. A small island in the Northern Mediterranean, population under 1/2 million, who seem to spend 24/7 playing a King game! Surely this can't be anything to do with avoiding a tax or two?

Right, before you think I'm just a CC troll. I love the game. I play it with my very young Grandson on his Mum's I-Pad because it teaches him hand-eye co-ordination + spatial awareness but even at our level then, (100 + something), we hit a timed level, then it's "Grandad! Egg-timer!" so I clear it + we move on but all he has learned is how to say "Egg-Timer". Not right. At home I play on a laptop in the 1880's Level, (which is why I can clear my Grandson's egg-timers so quickly!), but increasingly frustrated by, what I see, as a moneymaking scheme. Actually, have also noticed in these Q's + comments players complaining about "On my PC I have to get 35k to complete L1885 but Mobile users only need 20k." Then, some mobile users say "Why do I have to get 35K when PC users only need 20K?". Errmm... King, sort it out, bring in a level playing field. If you stayed the distance thanks for listening to the ramblings of an old man. My best to all my Candy Friends.


  • Baz_James
    Baz_James Posts: 861 Level 2

    It's a strange moneymaking system that gives you everything you can buy for free on a daily basis. I am one of many thousands of players who have reached the end of all available levels without parting with a penny so I'm afraid I have to say that anyone who spends money on the game only has their own impatience to blame.

    Your conspiracy theory is fascinating but a great insult to those of us who make efforts to help players through difficulties. The help you are given here, on YouTube and on the Wiki is from people who genuinely love this game. King employees, I'm sure, have got more than enough to do with millions of players on a horde of different devices to be posting videos. And if I or anyone else tells you that they have passed a level then it's total disrespect to be doubting our word.

    As for the variation in requirements for 1885, who cares? I had to pass at 35000 and did. Why should it bother me what other people had to do? There is this strange attitude around this game that passing every level is some kind of human right. I have no idea where it comes from. I presume that there aren't thousands of tennis or football players telling their coaches that the game must be made easier so that they can get on the team? And it becomes even more mystifying once you realise that this is a free game to which the degree of commitment is an entirely personal decision. Nobody is making you play, nobody is making you stay. If it's too hard then find a game that's easier. Don't bombard King with pleas to weaken the game.

    When there is a genuine problem with a level it will be very quickly pointed out by the top players and remedied. If you're coming to a level weeks and months after its release then you should know that it is definitely not 'impossible' (the most abused word on this forum!). By all means ask for advice from those who've passed the level but don't waste your breath on stupid accusations. They've all been heard before and you're only embarrassing yourself repeating them.

    If you want a tip on passing 1885 the most effective one appears to be to try to leave a colour bomb on the board for the Sugar Crush to sweep up at the end. The same applies to all timed levels.

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