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Level 3

 Good job people for speaking up!  👍


  •  I'm glad to see first time posts! My wife a 6+ year cc veteran has absolutely quit the game. I tried their booster by just to see for myself, i've played and passed at least one or two levels every day and it still went away for no apparent reason. Truly disappointed. They really don't care if the game is fun, they just…
  •  There was an update released on February 21 couple of days ago. If anyone has updated, please let us know if anything good came out of that update. Thank you so much for all the support! 
  • I have been unable to work due to ongoing health issues for a year plus. I downloaded CC to kill time. I have other apps where I am learning four different languages, play word games, and other intellectually stimulating apps. I got cc to play as a relaxing game that does not require extensive thinking. That is given me…
  •  I sure hope that they are reading this, I also hope that they realize that for every comment on this thread, there has got to be 100 or 1000 other people per comment who feel the same way that just simply don't feel like commenting. It took me quite some time to comment on this forum. I don't care for greed, and I believe…
  •  I have been playing levels with candy wrappers and building up boosters in case they change it back. I too will give it a couple more weeks and then that's it! If I could at least get a response saying too bad it's going to stay the way it is, I would at least know where we stand as players. 
  •  They actually had a game in which you had to use your boosters to play to get candies, needless to say I did not play it. My wife has played it six years plus. My wife and I are no longer interested in the game since they changed it. It's simply not fun anymore. I've emailed them no less than 10 times. No response. I…

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?