Have not seen unlimited booster neither gotten any of them. @LindQ level 9993 was tweaked but is still not passable without another 30 moves and a dozen of various boosters. Now it's who will bulge first - King or I.
@LindQ @Crazy Cat Lad Am I the only one who noticed that UFO and fish no longer land on much needed candies to break? Instead, they randomly select candies that do not need to be destroyed defeating the purpose of these boosters. Please advise.
As a whole, this release is one big frustration. I was not able to finish 99% percent of the levels on the first try. Every time it looks like 1 or 2 extra moves are needed no matter how hard or easy the level is. I think I will quit at 10K. There are more things in life that are interesting then CCS. Sorry not sorry.
Extremely disappointing Episode 1 (levels 9801-9815). Level 9814 - didn't show which cells were left to break and I couldn't finish it. Overall, boring and more hard levels than marked. Worst episode in a long time! Developers and designers need to come up with fresh ideas. Game and levels become boring and repetitive.