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  • I'm happy for u that u enjoy that but for me sitting on the same level for over a week with countless attempts is not fun at all it would be fun when there is actually a chance but just hard but to make levels that u can't pass only if u use boosters or gold bars I don't call it fun whatsoever so I actually started other…
  • And still sitting here for a few days already and nothing has been done to fix this level UNREAL!!!!
  • Non of the above! First make the levels reasonable that it should be able to be passed without a single booster ! !!!!!!
  • Yup I agree it's not enough moves even to go through half of it just another king stunt all about revenue and not for the players fun at all I'm not that long on it but tried already with double boosters and didn't come close to finish point I guess it's sitting here for me too !!!
  • Finally after they granted me 10 gb I was able to pass it but definitely impossible with the moves given which makes it very obvious that the only way is either u have gb or u pay for them this ridiculous
    in 12310 Comment by Nace_Kahn August 2022
  • Yep it's definitely a waste of time trying!!!! Let me know when it's fixed till then see u next time, not gonna waste another 200 lives for that stupidity!!!
    in 12310 Comment by Nace_Kahn August 2022
  • Wow congrats king I'm now on day 5 still on the same level since it still wasn't fixed so thank you for being a great game provider with no fun in it !!!! With not even mentioning how many countless attempts of failing and no I know it's nothing about luck whatsoever!!!
    in 12310 Comment by Nace_Kahn August 2022
  • Yes u right!! I'm still sitting here on this level a few days already even had all boosters but it's still impossible!! Only if I will get crazy and buy gb which I certainly NOT PLANNING TO DO!!
    in 12310 Comment by Nace_Kahn August 2022
  • Yep I agree!! . And btw if someone can be kind and let me know when this level will be fixed so I can come back to play in the meantime I will play other games thanks in advance!
    in 12310 Comment by Nace_Kahn August 2022
  • What a sad joke?!?! The original moves was 21 which is impossible anyway so now after trying over a 150 times they added more moves u wanna know how much ONE !!! So now it's 22 moves like really?!?!?!?! It's not possible even with 35 more moves the way it is so they wanna look nice or what ?!?!?!
    in 12310 Comment by Nace_Kahn August 2022

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